I am currently going through the PEH – Practical Ethical Hacking course offered by TCM Security. Given my limited practical experience in hacking, I undertook a thorough review of various penetration testing certifications to determine the most suitable starting point. After careful consideration, I selected the PJPT certification as the optimal choice for several reasons. Notably, its one-time payment structure appealed to me, offering a cost-effective entry point into the field. Additionally, the course content aligns well with my preference for hands-on learning instead of extensive reading requirements.

While acknowledging the merits of certifications such as those offered by HackTheBox and INE, I opted against them for specific reasons. Despite the acclaim surrounding INE, its focus on a subscription-based model and lack of coverage on crucial topics like Active Directory (AD) in its eJPT course dissuaded me. This consideration is particularly significant as I aim to pursue more advanced certifications, such as the OSCP, which demand a comprehensive understanding of AD.

I anticipate obtaining the PJPT certification will significantly enhance my skill set. This is especially pertinent as I plan to attend a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Bootcamp, which primarily emphasizes theoretical knowledge rather than practical application. By complementing this theoretical foundation with hands-on experience gained through the PJPT certification, I aim to strengthen my proficiency in ethical hacking and penetration testing.

Furthermore, I have compiled detailed notes and resources related to my preparation for the PJPT certification, which are available on my GitHub repository. These notes encompass key concepts, practical exercises, and supplementary materials that have aided me in my journey toward certification success. Feel free to explore and utilize these resources to support your own studies and preparations for the PJPT examination. You can access my GitHub repository here.

– Nishi